Reeves Diets


IBS Food Facts (link:

Hunter H, Reeves, L, Venter C, Meyer R (2017). Dietary Management of Eosinophilic Oesophagitis (EoE): An international survey. J Allergy Clin Immunol; 139; 2, Suppl, ABSTRACT AB386.

McKenzie YA , Bowyer RK, Leach H, Gulia P, Horobin J, O’Sullivan NA, Pettitt C,  Reeves, LB, Seamark L, Williams M, Thompson J & Lomer MCE.  (2016). British Dietetic Association systematic review and evidence-based practice guidelines for the dietary management of irritable bowel syndrome in adults (2016 update)J Hum Nutr Diet29, 549-575.

Skypala I, Williams M, Reeves, L, Meyer R and Venter C (2015). Sensitivity to food additives, vaso-active amines and salicylates: a review of the evidenceClinical and Translational Allergy; 5: 34.

Reeves L, Meyer R, Holloway J and Venter C (2015). The development and implementation of a training package for dietitians on cow’s milk protein allergy in infants and children based on UK RCPCH competencies for food allergies – a pilot study. Clinical and Translational Allergy; 5: 4.

Maslin  K, Meyer  R, Reeves  L, Mackenzie  H, Swain  A, Stuart-Smith  W, Loblay  R, Groetch  M, Venter  C. (2014). Food allergy 

competencies of dietitians in the United Kingdom, Australia and United States of America. Clinical and Translational Allergy; 4: 37.

Reeves L, Meyer R, Holloway J and Venter C (2012). Learning needs of registered dietitians working with individuals with food hypersensitivities in the UK. J Hum Nutr & Diet; 25, 6, 596. ABSTRACT.

Venter C, Meyer R, Reeves L (2012). Food allergy educational needs of allergy dietitians in the UK. J Allergy Clin Immunol; 129, AB57. ABSTRACT.

McKenzie YA, Alder A, Anderson W, Wills A Goddard L, Gulia P, Jankovich E, Mutch P, Reeves LB, Singer A & Lomer MCE on behalf of Gastroenterology Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association. (2012) British Dietetic Association evidence-based practice guidelines for the dietary management of irritable bowel syndrome in adults. J Hum Nutr Diet. 25, 260–274. 


Cockerell KM, Watkins ASM, Reeves LB, Goddard L and Lomer MCE (2009). The effects of ground and whole linseeds on the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. J Hum Nutr & Diet; 25, 5, 435-443.